McKnight Construction Company

Columbia County Detention Center

  • Columbia County Detention Center
  • Columbia County Detention Center

Project Description

Location:  Appling, Georgia
Client:  Columbia County Board of Commissioners
Architect:  Rosser International, Inc
Size:  90,000 S

The Columbia County Jail Expansion project replaced all of the detention areas except the newest housing pod, built in the mid-nineties.  Construction required connection to that newer pod in developing a new organizational concept.  The final plan accommodates several key site issues such as a new orientation and point of arrival, a limited building area due to a difficult terrain, potential demolition of the old housing areas, and future expansion that recognizes the county’s potential for growth.  The expansion took the population from 80 inmates to 240. The new 90,000 sf detection component provides new facilities attached to the one salvageable housing unit in a way that maximized efficiency of circulation.  The facility has a high security, minimum security, ladies and dorm pods.